Canadian Journal of Economics, 2020
One reason to be concerned about income inequality is the idea that people care about not only their own absolute income but also their income relative to various reference groups (co‐workers, friends, neighbours, relatives, etc.). We use Canadian linked employer–employee data to estimate the casual effect of co‐worker pay on a worker’s reported job and pay satisfaction. Since worker satisfaction can affect the worker’s productivity, organizational commitment, turnover, creativity and innovation as well as the firm’s productivity and profitability, this is an issue that requires more attention and careful examination. In models that control for a rich set of workplace characteristics, we find that co‐worker pay has a large positive and significant effect on both pay and job satisfaction. In our preferred models with establishment‐level fixed effects, the effect of co‐worker pay on pay satisfaction is half as large and the effect on job satisfaction completely disappears, suggesting that part (all) of what previous studies attribute to the effect of co‐worker pay on worker pay (job) satisfaction is driven by unobserved heterogeneity across firms or establishments. Our results also suggest that the effect of co‐worker pay on worker satisfaction is much stronger for workers who leave their job during the following year. Finally, we find that while co‐worker pay has a positive effect on pay satisfaction among Canadian‐born whites, it has a negative effect among immigrants and Canadian‐born visible minorities.
Recommended citation: Javdani, Mohsen and Brian Krauth (2020). "Job satisfaction and co‐worker pay in Canadian firms." Canadian Journal of Economics. 53(1).