Peers as treatments
Krauth, Brian (2024). "Peers as treatments." Working paper, Simon Fraser University.
Krauth, Brian (2024). "Peers as treatments." Working paper, Simon Fraser University.
Friesen, Jane, Brian Krauth, and Brett Wilmer (2024). "COVID-19 and the Mental Health of Adolescents in British Columbia." Canadian Public Policy 50(2):256-276.
Friesen, Jane, Brian Krauth, and Ricardo Meilman Cohn (2022). "The effect of universal full-day Kindergarten on student achievement." Working paper, Simon Fraser University.
Javdani, Mohsen and Brian Krauth (2020). "Job satisfaction and co‐worker pay in Canadian firms." Canadian Journal of Economics. 53(1).
Friesen, Jane, Brian Krauth, and Reza Sattari (2018). "The effect of universal full-day Kindergarten on children’s behavior." Working paper, Simon Fraser University.
Krauth, Brian (2016). "Bounding a linear causal effect using relative correlation restrictions." Journal of Econometric Methods. 5(1).
Battisti, Michele, Jane Friesen and Brian Krauth (2014). "English as a Second Dialect policy and achievement of Aboriginal Students in British Columbia." Canadian Public Policy. 40(2).
Friesen, Jane and Brian Krauth (2012). Key Policy Issues in Aboriginal Education: An Evidence-based Approach. Council of Minsters of Education, Canada.
Friesen, Jane and Brian Krauth (2011). "Ethnic enclaves in the classroom." Labour Economics. 18(5).
Battisti, Michele, Mark Campbell, Jane Friesen and Brian Krauth (2011). "Non-standard English dialects and the effect of supplementary funding on educational achievement." Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology. 35(2).
Friesen, Jane and Brian Krauth (2010). "Sorting, peers, and achievement of Aboriginal students in British Columbia." Canadian Journal of Economics. 43(4).
Hickey, Ross, Jane Friesen and Brian Krauth (2010). "Disabled peers and academic achievement." Education Finance and Policy. 5(3).
Friesen, Jane and Brian Krauth (2007). "Sorting and inequality in Canadian schools." Journal of Public Economics. 91(11-12).
Krauth, Brian (2007). "Peer and selection effects on youth smoking in California." Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. 25(3).
Krauth, Brian (2006). "Simulation-based estimation of peer effects." Journal of Econometrics. 133(1).
Krauth, Brian (2006). "Social interactions in small groups." Canadian Journal of Economics. 39(2).
Krauth, Brian (2005). "Structural estimation of peer effects in youth smoking." Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research. 16.
Krauth, Brian (2005). "Peer effects and selection effects on smoking among Canadian youth." Canadian Journal of Economics. 38(3).
Krauth, Brian (2004). "A dynamic model of job networking and social influences on employment." Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 28(6).
Krauth, Brian (2003). "A dynamic model of job networking and persistent inequality." In Cowan R., Jonard N. (eds) Heterogenous Agents, Interactions and Economic Performance, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, vol 521. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.